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A personal voice assistant for Android devices. This is the most up-to-date development version. There are no ads and donation possibilities. Polish is the only supported language at the moment (in both GUI and command recognition).


This project is frozen. Therefore, I provide very limited support. I will not answer any e-mails with comments about either stable or development versions (except for copyright/acknowledgement issues: see "Third party resources used"). If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, feel free to report them in "Issues", but I cannot guarantee that I will respond to the reports within reasonable time.

Installation instructions

Please note that this is a development version: bugs, empty screens and unfinished functions are normal here. However, as I aimed for fixing major bugs present in the latest stable version (1.0.7) before publishing the source code, the development version may work better than the stable one in your device. If this is the case, you are lucky!

With Android Studio

If you are familiar with Android programming and want to work with the source code, this is the quickest and recommended method. If not, see "Pre-built releases". The instructions below apply to Android Studio 3.0.1, but they should work flawlessly in other versions as well (minor changes might be required, please refer to the manual or online resources for your version of the IDE if necessary).

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Open the folder "Polassis" as a project in Android Studio.
  3. Wait until all required resources are prepared.
  4. You are ready to go: have fun!

Without Android Studio

(under construction)

Pre-built releases

There are also pre-built releases which can be installed directly on Android devices without compiling the source code. They are available as APK files in "Releases". Your device must allow installing applications from unknown sources: you can change this behaviour in Android settings.

How to use

(under construction)


(under construction)

Third party resources used

If you see that your work is used in any format in Polassis without the credit below, please let me know: I will add the acknowledgement. Thank you!




Polassis is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. Please see LICENSE for details.